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Dribble, Pass and Shoot; A Simple Guide to the Rules of Basketball

Ever wanted to know the basic rules of Basketball? Or needed a simple explanation of Basketball’s player positions? Here, we have sorted through a host of references and written an article explaining Basketball’s rules in a simple, understandable way.

The Basics

Basketball is one of the most popular sports across the world. It is played by two teams of five players each usually in an indoor court. The objective of the game is to score more points than the opposing team by throwing the ball through the basketball hoop. The games last 48minutes split into 4, 12-minute quarters. The team that scores the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

History of Basketball

Basketball is a sport that has a rich history, dating back to its invention 1891. It was created by Dr. James Naismith in 1891. Naismith was a Canadian physical education instructor and he created the game to keep his students active during the cold Canadian winter months.

The first official game of basketball was played on December 21, 1891, in a gymnasium in Massachusetts. The objective of the game was to throw a ball into the opposing team’s basket. The team with the most points at the end of the game was declared the winner. The rules of basketball may have developed but basics have not changed!

In the early days, basketball was mostly played by amateurs but as the game grew in popularity attracting professional players and teams. The National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded in America in 1946 and has since become one of the most popular and successful professional sports leagues in the world. The sport has also become a global phenomenon and is now played in many countries around the world.

Basketball is not just a sport; it is also a popular form of exercise and recreation for people of all ages across the world. Schools, colleges, and universities, as well as parks and community centers, have basketball courts where people can “shoot some hoops”. The sport continues to evolve and adapt to new trends and technologies, but the basic principles of the game remain the same. If you’re looking for a fun, competitive and active sport, basketball is definitely worth considering.

Basketball is governed by the International Basketball Federation (FIBA). The FIBA oversees the sport at a world level, crafting the rules of basketball and promoting the sport internationally.

What do you need?

Basketball was originally played with a leather ball (nowadays they are made of plastic and rubber) that is inflated with air. To meet the required standard the ball must be between 29.5-30 inches in circumference and weigh between 20-22 ounces. The official ball of the NBA is made by Wilson, we recommend the Wilson size 6 Authentic NBA ball for indoor play and the Wilson NBA Authentic Outdoor for outdoor play.

As well as basketball shoes and clothes being designed for safety and comfort when playing basketball the attire is also a popular fashion and leisure wear. Many basketball players put their name to branded clothing.

The Set up

Basketball is played on indoor or outdoor rectangular court that is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. The court has a basket at each end which is 3.048 meters high, which is also known as the hoop.

Basketball Players and Positions

Each team consists of five players, one point guard, one shooting guard, one small forward, one power forward, and the center.

The point guard is often considered the “floor general” of the team. They are responsible for running the attack (offence) bringing the ball up the court and ensuring that the other players are in the right positions.

The shooting guard is typically the team’s best outside shooter. They are often responsible for scoring points from beyond the three-point line. Shooting guards are also expected to be good at creating their own shots, whether that means taking the ball to the basket or pulling up for a jump shot.

The small forward is usually the team’s best all-around player. They are expected to be able to score, rebound, and play defence. Small forwards are often the most athletic players on the team and are expected to be able to guard multiple positions.

The power forward is often the team’s most physical player. They are responsible for playing defence, rebounding, and scoring points. Power forwards are stereotypically taller and stronger than the other players on the team.

The center is the tallest player on the team. Like the power forward are usually responsible for playing defence, rebounding, and scoring points. Centers are also often the team’s best shot-blockers.


Points are scored by shooting the ball through the opponent’s hoop. A basket is worth two points if the ball is shot from within the three-point line. It is worth three points if the ball is shot from beyond the three-point line. The 3-point line is an arc surrounding the basket.

Fouls in Basketball

Fouls are actions committed by players that are against the rules of the game. If a player commits a foul, the opposing team is awarded free throws. Free throws are shots to the basket which are taken from the free throw line with no interference from the opposing team.  This is 15 feet from the basket.

Dribbling vs Travelling
Players are allowed to bounce the ball on the floor as they move down the court, this is called “dribbling”. They are not allowed to take more than one step without dribbling, this is called travelling.

Players are allowed to pass the ball to their teammates by throwing it to them. They are not allowed to kick the ball or strike it with their fist.

If a shot is missed and the ball bounces off the rim of the basket, players are allowed to try to grab the ball and get possession for their team. This is called a rebound.

Out of bounds
If the ball goes out of bounds, it is awarded to the opposing team. The ball is considered out of bounds when it touches the floor or any object outside the court.

Teams are allowed to call timeouts to stop the game and discuss strategy. Each team is allowed three timeouts per half. These are often called tactically at critical points in the game or to break the others team momentum.

These are the basic rules for basketball. We hope that now you understand the difference between dribbling and rebound that we have increased you appreciation for this exciting and popular sport. Look forward to shooting some hoops!

Basketball is a beloved sport around the world, and the rules of basketball play a crucial role in ensuring a fair and exciting match for players and fans alike. From travelling and fouls to three pointers and rebounds, understanding the rules of basketball can greatly enhance one’s enjoyment of the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a casual fan, understanding the rules of basketball can deepen your appreciation for the sport and the strategies used by teams on the field.

As the sport continues to evolve and grow in popularity, it’s important to stay informed about the rules of basketball and the changes that may occur in the future. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to fully appreciate the skill and athleticism of the players, as well as the strategies and tactics used by teams to win.

If you’d like to get up to date scores of Basketball games matches around the world check out this webpage know the rules of another popular, have a look at our take on the rules of Soccer (Football)!

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