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Ultimate Field Hockey Guide; Mastering the Skills and Rules of Hockey

Always wanted to give field hockey a go but unsure of how its played? In this blog we have provided an overview of the rules of hockey and the equipment needed to play hockey.

Field hockey is one of the most popular sports in the world, particularly prevalent in India, Pakistan, Australia and the United Kingdom. Have a read of this article and you’ll understand this awesome game a bit better and be able to jump on the field in no time. 

Quick Overview

Field Hockey is a fast-paced and exciting sport that is played on a grass or turf field with a small, hard ball. The game is similar to ice hockey and is played with a team of 11 players. The aim of field hockey is to score goals by hitting the ball into the opposing team’s goal using the hockey stick. The game is played in two 35-minute halves, with a 15-minute halftime break. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.

A Brief History of Hockey

Field hockey is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The modern rules of hockey was developed in England in the late 19th century and played by Middlesex cricket club as a winter activity (check out the Rules of Cricket here!). Field hockey is now played all over the world with the first international match, held in 1895, involving Ireland and Wales. The International Hockey Federation (FIH) was founded in 1924. The FIH is responsible for organising major international tournaments, including the World Cup and the Olympics.

What Equipment is Needed to Play Hockey

To play field hockey, players need a hockey stick, a ball, and protective gear such as a mouthguard, shin guards, and a helmet with a face guard. The stick is usually made of wood or composite materials and is used to hit the ball. Only the flat side of the stick is used to strike the ball.  The ball is made of plastic or rubber and is smaller and harder than a soccer ball.

The Hockey Field

The hockey pitch is rectangular in shape, with a length measuring 91.4m (100 yards) and a width measuring 55m (60yards). In professional hockey a blue pitch and a yellow ball are standard, this is to help television viewers follow gameplay.

You might also wonder why the pitch appears to be wet during international matches? Although field hockey can be played on natural turf, all national and international competitions must be played on artificial surfaces where elite level competitors require a wet playing surface. This ensures fast, consistent movement of the ball, reducing bouncing and also minimising friction if a player were to fall/slide.

Hockey’s Player Positions

There are several different positions in field hockey, including forwards, midfielders, defenders, and goalkeepers. Forwards are responsible for scoring goals and creating scoring opportunities. Midfielders play a key role in controlling the midfield and moving the ball up the field. Defenders are responsible for preventing the opposing team from scoring goals, while the goalkeeper is responsible for stopping the opposing team from scoring.

How to Play Hockey

The game starts with a pass-back, where one team passes the ball to a teammate to start the game. The aim of the game is to score goals by hitting the ball into the opposing team’s goal using the stick. Players can only use the flat side of the stick to hit the ball and are not allowed to use their feet or other parts of their body to touch the ball.

Players are not allowed to raise their hockey stick above their waist, unless when taking a free hit, when it is up to the discretion of the referee. For safety, the ball cannot be hit into the air, especially on a free hit however, if there is a shot on goal with no players in its path the referee may not call foul.

How to Score

A goal is scored when the ball crosses the goal line between the goal posts and under the crossbar. A goal can only be scored when the ball is struck within the striking circle. This is a semi circle 15m in radius around the goal. The team that scores the most goals wins the game. If the game ends in a tie, the teams may play extra time or commence a penalty shootout to determine the winner.

Types of Fouls in Hockey

There are several types of fouls in field hockey, including obstruction, dangerous play, and unsportsmanlike conduct. Obstruction occurs when a player intentionally blocks or impairs the movement of an opposing player. Dangerous play involves hitting or tackling an opposing player in a reckless or dangerous manner. Unsportsmanlike conduct includes behaviour such as arguing with the referee or using offensive language.

Aim of The Game

The aim of field hockey is to score goals by hitting the ball into the opposing team’s goal using the stick. Players must work together as a team to move the ball down the field and create scoring opportunities. Pretty Simple!

Field hockey is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires skill, teamwork, and quick thinking. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, field hockey offers a fun and challenging way to stay active and improve your physical fitness. It is an extremely fun game and we hope this article on tbe rulesof hockey has taught you lots!

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