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Disc-over Disc Golf; Our Ultimate Guide For You

In this guide, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive overview of how to play disc golf, including its history, rules of disc golf, equipment, and tactics to help you improve your game.

Disc golf is a fun and exciting sport that combines the throwing of a frisbee-like disc with the strategy of traditional golf. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise, and it’s easy to learn but challenging to master.

The Game Play Basics

Disc golf is played on a course, usually consisting of 9 or 18 holes. The objective is to throw the disc from the tee box towards the basket in as few throws as possible. Players must complete each hole in order, and the player with the lowest total number of throws at the end of the game is the winner. Couldn’t be easier, so read the blog, grab your discs, head to the course, and enjoy a game of disc golf!

History of Disc Golf

Disc golf has been played in various forms since early 1900s, but there is much debate over who first invented the game. The modern game was formalised in the 1960s by Ed Headrick, who was a toy inventor and disc enthusiast. He created the first formal disc golf course in 1975 in California and established the Disc Golf Association in 1976. Since then, the sport has grown rapidly in popularity. Today, there are over 7,500 disc golf courses around the world. The international governing body for Disc Golf is World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF).

Fun Fact: Ed Headricks is also the inventor of the frisbee.

What equipment do I need to play Disc Golf?

To play disc golf, you’ll need a set of specialised discs. There are three main types of discs: drivers, mid-range, and putters. Drivers are used for long-range shots, mid-range discs for shorter distances, and putters for short-range shots into the basket. We would recommend the Innova DX Valkyrie Golf Disc, good value, and considered one of the best on the market! You’ll also need a disc golf bag to carry your discs, a scorecard and pencil to keep track of your score, and comfortable clothing and shoes for playing outdoors.

Disc Gold courses are usually 9 or 18 holes, similar to Golf. The Proferssional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) recommends the hole distance to be between 200 – 400 ft (61 – 122m). Most disc golf courses are built in natural environments using trees and other natural obstacles to enhance the gameplay.

The target of the game is to get the disc into the disc golf baskets, the basket is made of a central pole holding a basket under an assembly of hanging chains. To be a successful basket the disc must come to rest supported by the tray or chains.

How is Disc Golf Played?

Choose your disc
Select the appropriate disc based on the distance and shot you want to make. Beginners should start with a mid-range disc for their first throw, as they are easier to control.

Stand at the tee box
Start each hole from the designated tee box, which is marked by a tee pad or sign.

Take your stance
Position your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes towards the direction you want the disc to go. Hold the disc with a firm but comfortable grip and aim towards the basket.

Throw the disc
Take a step forward with your non-dominant foot, transfer your weight onto that foot, and swing your arm back and forth to throw the disc towards the basket. Follow through with your arm and aim to release the disc at the right time for maximum accuracy.

Finish the hole
Continue throwing the disc until you get it into the basket. Count the number of throws it takes to complete the hole and move on to the next one.

Main Rules of Disc Golf

The main rules of disc golf are similar to traditional golf. Players must throw from behind the tee markers, complete each hole in order, and avoid interfering with other players’ shots. The player with the lowest total number of throws at the end of the game wins.

The most common fouls in disc golf include stepping over the tee markers, throwing out of turn, and hitting a tree or obstacle that’s out of bounds. Players who commit fouls receive penalty strokes, which are added to their score.

Game Tactics for Beginners

Disc golf requires a combination of skill and strategy to play well. Beginners should focus on accuracy and control, rather than distance, and practice their putting skills. As you gain more experience, you can start to experiment with different disc types and throwing techniques to improve your game. It’s also important to stay relaxed and focused during the game, and to enjoy the experience of playing outdoors with friends or family.

Types of throws (from beginner to advanced)

Backhand throw: This is the most basic throw in disc golf, and it involves holding the disc with a backhand grip and throwing it with a flick of the wrist. This is the classic frisbee throw.

Forehand throw: This throw involves holding the disc with a forehand grip and throwing it with a flick of the wrist. The forehand throw is also known as a sidearm or flick, and it is often used to navigate tight or narrow fairways.

Overhand throw: This throw involves throwing the disc overhand, with the disc held above the head and released with a flick of the wrist. Overhand throws are useful for getting over obstacles such as trees or bushes.

Tomahawk throw: This is a type of overhand throw that involves holding the disc with a backhand grip and throwing it overhand, with the disc flipping over in midair and landing upside down. Tomahawk throws are useful for getting around obstacles and for making steep uphill shots.

Roller throw: This throw involves throwing the disc with a backhand or forehand grip, and releasing it at an angle so that it rolls along the ground. Roller throws are useful for navigating long fairways with low ceilings or for getting around

Disk Golf is a fun and accessible sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s always room to improve your game and try out new strategies. With its growing popularity around the world and the availability of courses in many parks and recreational areas, disc golf is a great way to get outside and enjoy some fresh air while playing a fun and challenging game. See you on the course!

If you liked this article on the rules of disc golf, check out another outdoor classic, perfect for the family; Cornhole! Or, follow us on twitter @allsportrules

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